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Sunday, 19 September 2010

7 brave Nationalists assaulted by Marxist scum in Glasgow

BNP Scotland bravely stood their ground against red thugs in Glasgow on Saturday.

Clear to see who are the real fascists.

Well done BNP Scotland.

Scotland BNP Blog reports - Saturday 18th September saw a team from Glasgow and a team from the Lothians join together to campaign in Glasgow city in support of our 'bring our troops home' petition campaign.

The team set up at the top of Buchannan street and put out many leaflets, sold a number of voice of freedoms and gained a number of signatures. Many supportive comments were gained and a host of discussions about other policies were enjoyed. A local Muslim lady even took time to vent her disgust at the lab/lib/con's war effort in her home country and praised the BNP for speaking out on the matter.

After a friendly and positive start to the day the team then moved to the iconic George Sq were again a number of leaflets were put out and the team took time to pose for tourists.

After George Sq the team moved to the south end of Buchannan street. A number of leaflets were handed out and a number of signatures gained. After about 30 mins a group of unemployed students appeared talking on phones, a short while later many more scruffy looking fellows joined them then the following happened.......

The Battle of Buchannan street

The team of 7 brave activists were surrounded by a mob of 100 - 200 hate filled yobs. The stall was destroyed and thrown at a youngster! 2 members were assaulted (kicked and punched) and spat on. The mob continued to destroy party literature and litter it across the street. When police arrived the crowd even vented their hatred towards them. The brave team stood their ground until the police gained control of the situation. As this was going on a few members of public joined ranks with the team and were in turn attacked.

Scotland BNP would like to thank Strathclyde police for their swift action and will fully assist in any further investigation.

Today was an example of the left's contempt for freedom of speech and democracy. The left claim that the BNP are fascists yet they use fascist mob tactics against the BNP. The team in Glasgow was campaigning to end the bloodshed in Afghanistan and bring our brave boys and girls home safe and not in boxes. Scotland BNP fully believes in letting the Muslim world govern Muslim countries and not allowing a British government to force our troops to govern it for them


Anonymous 19 September 2010 at 12:47  

"Send kids to India: Cable -

Time is running out .....

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