New dad attacked on Burnley maternity ward in front of kids and mothers by Pakistani Muslim
Left: Labour County Councillor Muhammad Sajid Baig reacts after losing his seat in Burnley, June 2009. Sharon Wilkinson (BNP) wins County Council seat on the same day.
Why have the BNP done so well in Burnley? Could it be due to the arrogance of Muslims in the town, and their blatant disdain for the indigenous community?
Recently a Muslim Pakistani named Nadeem Yasin punched a British man in the eye in a Burnley maternity ward. Such hatred for our people is manifesting itself in all sorts of sick ways. What kind of person would punch a proud dad in the face in front of women and children? It's time to stand up for ourselves, vote BNP!
From the Burnley Express
A MAN attacked another new dad in a maternity unit after a fall-out over children playing, Pennine magistrates heard.
Self-employed plumber Nadeem Yasin hit Daniel Cassidy in the face in a side ward in front of the victim's horrified partner, Katie Hawke, who had given birth to their daughter just hours before, and family members.
Ms Hawke, who was awaiting discharge from Davidson ward on the Edith Watson Unit, was very distressed by the assault, which took place in the middle of the afternoon in front of children, the court was told. Read more
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