Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Boy, nine, put in isolation for calling classmate 'chocolate'

A racist picture? Of course not.

In 2002, racist incident forms were created that required teachers to name the alleged perpetrator and victim, and spell out what they did and how they were punished. Schools can keep these details on file.

The liberal Marxist ideology which has brought this situation about has actually created racial divisions in the classroom/playground.

The obligation on schools to report these incidents wastes teachers’ time, interferes in children’s space in the playground, and undermines teachers’ ability to deal with problems in their classrooms, states Adrian Hart of the Manifesto club, a civil liberties group.

He goes on; “Worse, such anti-racist policies can create divisions where none had existed, by turning everyday playground spats into 'race issues".

The Telegraph reports

The pupil was taken out of class on a Friday afternoon and told to write an essay against "racism" as a punishment. He also apologised to his fellow pupil. When he turned up for school the following Monday, he was again placed in isolation for the whole of the morning.

The incident has been officially logged by Woodland Middle School, in Bedford, with details passed on to the local authority, under controversial Government guidelines which say that all alleged "racist incidents" have to be recorded by head teachers and councils. Read more


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